Archive for Settlements

Israel and its new settlements!

Posted in Middle East, Politics, Religion with tags , , , on November 21, 2009 by thesadarab

I am almost sure that many Jewish people are concerned what the State of Israel has become. A country that bases its existence and expansion on military superiority. We have witnessed greater powers collapse before, and their people suffered because they either supported or stayed silent while their leaders and army committed crimes against others. The story of Iraq being the most recent. Israel may be more powerful than Saddam, but it is also more ruthless.

If I were a Jew living in Israel I would be very worried about the future well-being of my people. The Jews have suffered before, and now inviting further suffering just by inflicting suffering against others and denying it or opposing anyone who is critical of their occupation and the means of enforcing it.

Sadly, history repeats itself. It is a matter of time, and no one can stop that. Sadly, Israel is not building new settlements, it is digging its own grave.